The LabelCalc Blog

LabelCalc Offers Simple Solution for Rounding Rules

LabelCalc Offers Simple Solution for Rounding Rules

Food manufacturers face a mammoth task ensuring the information included on a Nutrition Facts label is clear, concise, and accurate – particularly with so many rules and regulations to contend with. Faced with all the food labeling requirements under the FDA’s Code of...

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Nutrition Facts Label Requirements

Nutrition Facts Label Requirements

It’s no secret to those in the food manufacturing industry that the FDA is pretty particular—especially when it comes to nutrition facts labels. Of course, they have the public’s best interests at heart, but making sure nutrition labels are compliant down to the last...

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FDA Changes to Nutrition Facts Labels

FDA Changes to Nutrition Facts Labels

Nutrition Facts labels are designed to help consumers make informed, healthy choices. The first major nutrition labeling regulation was the FDA’s Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 (NLEA).  This act standardized and mandated nutrition labeling on most...

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