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The FDA Made These Changes to The Nutrition Fact Labels in 2022

As of 2022, the FDA made significant changes to the nutrition facts label that all brands must adhere to. If companies struggle to meet new FDA regulations, they run the risk of being shut down due to a lack of compliance. 

Regulations are constantly-evolving due to advancements in scientific research, public input, and new nutritional information. As a result, brands must stay updated on current FDA standards so they can continue making products consumers love. Here’s everything food innovators need to know about the latest changes made to the nutrition facts label.

The New Nutrition Facts Label

So, what is the latest upgrade to the nutrition facts label, and what does this mean for food brands? The goal of the newest nutrition facts label is to create more nutritional transparency while also placing greater emphasis on health. This redesigned label is easier to read and understand. It’s also a comprehensive analysis of what’s in your product, so buyers know just what they’re consuming. 

The new label covers everything from nutritional information to accurate percentages of vitamins and minerals.

What Does the New Label Look Like?

Although some of these adjustments may be subtle, they pose significant changes for brands and food companies. Consumers may not notice these effects immediately, but brands certainly will, as it’s up to them to follow suit.

At the top of the food label, the “Servings Size” font has been enlarged and put in bold. The “Calorie” font is larger, too. Daily Value percentages have been updated to reflect newer, and more accurate nutritional information.

“Added Sugars” is now under the heading “Total Sugars,” and is within the “Carbohydrates” section.

The latest addition, “Potassium,” is now required to be listed along with accurate percentages of the amount. “Vitamin D,” Calcium,” and “Iron” are also now required. Vitamins A and C are no longer a requirement on the upgraded nutritional label.

The updated label generally looks the same as the previous one. You’ll notice the familiar font, easy-to-read text, and recognizable layout. However, it was created with the intention of readability, transparency, and comprehensibility in mind. The font is larger and bolded so consumers can easily read the ingredients in the products they love.

Why Choose Transparency With Nutrition Facts

The FDA’s role is to protect the public health of all consumers and create food regulations that do just that. This means the FDA must hold companies responsible when they fail to comply with these standards. 

Not only is FDA compliance essential for a thriving business, but it’s also increasing consumer demand. Now more than ever, the public values health and nutritional transparency above all else. The new-and-improved FDA label will motivate companies to choose healthier ingredients in their products. This also implies that nutritional information is rapidly changing as the research process becomes more refined and accurate.

Facts About Nutrition: More Than a Label

Building customer trust and loyalty is a critical part of increasing success as a brand. Listing the facts about nutrition goes beyond a simple label. It also includes letting your customers know your commitment to their health and wellbeing. Many companies don’t know where to start when it comes to creating an FDA-approved label for their products. This is where nutritional analysis software can help.

LabelCalc is an all-in-one nutritional analysis database that creates FDA-approved labels in a matter of minutes. If you want stay informed, and meet FDA regulations and standards, all while creating a sensational product, LabelCalc wants to help. Choosing LabelCalc means choosing nutritional transparency. Learn more about the process, or schedule a free consultation with an FDA-certified nutritionist today.