Case Studies Highlight LabelCalc’s Successes Through
Detailed Client Stories
LabelCalc has been used for over 10 years by companies of all sizes who were looking for a simpler way to create their own nutrition facts panels. Below we’ve highlighted some of our favorite case studies to display just how integral our software and services can be to your food manufacturing business.
Read on to learn how LabelCalc’s services assisted companies with importing regulations, saving on nutritional analysis, product development, and more.

Alimentos Kamuk
LabelCalc Simplifies The Food Labeling Process For Alimentos Kamuk.

Hancock Gourmet Lobster
LabelCalc Nets Substantial Savings for Hancock Gourmet Lobster

WholeSoy & Co.
LabelCalc Supplies Accurate Analysis and Flexible New Product Development to WholeSoy & Co.
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