Make a Farmers Market Food Label Quickly and Affordably with LabelCalc
While creating a farmers market food label for your product may seem overwhelming, especially if you make and sell multiple products, the process can actually be quite simple. With a FDA-compliant online nutritional analysis software and label generator, you can create a professional nutrition label—complete with a nutrition facts panel, an ingredient list, and allergen statements—quickly and affordably.

16,000+ products have been completed with 8500+ Nutrition Facts Labels Downloaded & Printed

Over 10+ years supporting the food industry

Making a FDA-Compliant Farmers Market Food Label

Find the pricing option that is right for you and create an account with LabelCalc.

Our team of nutrition label expert consultants are here to answer any questions, and our comprehensive video demos make it easy to navigate the software.
LabelCalc’s Features
Try combining new seasonal flavors, creating low-calorie or low-fat versions of your products, or swapping out regular flour for a gluten-free blend. This tool is especially handy for creating a line of similar products with slight variations that will have different nutrition facts panels, ingredient lists, and allergen statements, like a line of homemade pies.
Other unique LabelCalc features include:

Daily backup and recovery so your recipes are safe and secure.

100% confidentiality so your recipes remain top-secret.

Extensive ingredient database with over 18,000 USDA-compiled ingredients.

Add your own ingredient feature if you don’t see one in our database.

FDA rounding rules so you can see both your rounded and unrounded nutrient values.

Allergen identification to notify you of any necessary allergen statements.

Nutrient Content Claims so you know if your product qualifies for any health claims.

Add voluntary nutrients to customize your label and highlight your product’s virtues.
Trusted by thousands of food manufactures and startup food businesses worldwide, and international recognized brands:

Download our free Recipe Entry & Nutrition
Labeling Guide today!